This Space for Rent

Jul 26, 2024

Friday Dust Mite Blogging™

Garden Mite
Dust Mite enjoys an afternoon in the garden

Jul 21, 2024

Guess how I spent my weekend?


This is from Friday; I’ve spent the rest of the weekend lying in bed asking – by shotgunning paxlovid – the fucking plague to just leave me be.

Jul 19, 2024

Friday Dust Mite Blogging™

A Dust Mite in the mist

Jul 12, 2024

Friday Dust Mite Blogging™

Typewriter Mite
Straight outta The Tortured Poets Department

Jul 05, 2024

Hot Friday Dust Mite Blogging™

How a Dust Mite beats the heat

We are all huddled inside the house drinking fluids and opening the windows at night, and Dust Mite wants to join in.

Jul 04, 2024

trolley photo of the (two) day (s ago)

waiting for a train

The new bike path at PDX is now open, so of course I used it when I went out to meet SWITCTBN upon her return from North Carolina, and it was just my (good) luck that a downtown-bound train showed up just as I reached this crossing.

Jun 28, 2024

Friday Dust Mite Blogging™

Dust Mite and the trestle-tree sculpture

Dust Mite & the disco travel bike stop by the trestle tree sculpture along the Portland Milwaukie Light Rail (a.k.a the Orange Line) on a short ride this afternoon.

Jun 21, 2024

Friday Dust Mite Blogging™

Dust Mite & the melon
A melon, with a Dust Mite for scale

Jun 14, 2024

Friday Dust Mite Blogging™

waffle mite
Dust Mite and a waffle box.

Jun 07, 2024

Friday Dust Mite Blogging™

Loading the dishwasher
Dust Mite helps me load the dishwasher

Jun 02, 2024

New banner image!

Wall art

A photostitched (as if you couldn’t tell :-) image of wall art on the shell of a burned-out and repurposed as a parking lot industrial building in inner SE Portland. It has, ahem, been a while since I’ve put up a new banner (thanks, I guess, to late-onset dysphoria?) but finally something other than the Parsons Vale business train in the mid 1960s.

May 31, 2024

Friday Dust Mite Blogging™

Dust Mite, Thor, and Thor's router
Dust Mite, Thor, and Thor’s heated pillow

7Artisans 50mm f0.95 lens, manual focusing at somewhere between f1.0 and f1.4, so everything is just melting into the bokeh.

May 29, 2024


A 100 pound longjohn & the (folded) disco travel bike

I was returning a repaired longjohn, so I had to find some way to get back home. Fortunately, I’ve got the disco travel bike at the ready for just this sort of activity.

May 24, 2024

Friday Dust Mite Blogging™

A bowl of bokeh
Dust Mite has an impressionist snack

May 21, 2024

Railroad photo of the (49 years and change ago) day

578 works in Winona while trainspotters document the atrocities.

May 17, 2024

Friday Dust Mite Blogging™

Proxy Mite
Dust Mite is on holiday today, so its large and useful sibling will be your Dust Mite of the evening

May 14, 2024


A floofy cat through a super-fast lens

May 13, 2024

More aurora?


Not quite so much retouching this time around; I took the mighty *istDS & my SMC 1:1.2 lens out, did some looong exposures, then photoshopped some saturation & contrast into the photos.

But maybe? I think I might have seen some flickering about the same time I took these photos, but (shrug emoji)

May 11, 2024



Enhance! Enhance! And those blurry maybe-they’re-moving-and-it’s-not-just-cataracts resolve to yes I have finally managed to for sure see a (blown out by city glow) CME’s collision with the planet that I live on.

Sadly, the doomsters prediction of the CME blowing up city power didn’t come true, so I didn’t get a chance to see a fully functioning death star in action.

May 10, 2024

Friday Dust Mite Blogging™

Exploring my frontiers of photo retouching after Dust Mite & I went to Tomcat Bikes to pick up a trailer part to modify.

May 09, 2024

railroad picture of the day

576 switches North La Crosse
#576 as I remember it; switching the North La Crosse yard (now 50 years ago).

