Feb 27, 2018
Discount, after a leisurely 13 months of minor tweaks, configuration changes, and a few bugfixes, has been shovelled up to version 2.2.3 with the following Big List Of Changes:
Have tools/branch
be a no-op if there’s no git
that I can use to check for my SCCS status.
Add user-contributed cmake support
check for non-null T(link) in the safelink function; rename paranoia.t to safelink.t, add a couple more tests for safelinks
tweak the safelink detection code to allow more types of url fragments
when finding the installer, check that -s works (doesn’t work on Minix 3?)
Correct makepage & theme to use the new set_flag() return scheme (0==success, !0==pointer to bogus flag)
if an unknown flag was in the middle of a comma-delimited flag
string (like -flatex,bogus,footnote), the markdown program
would incorrectly report the first flag as unknown (because set_flag
returned 0 on error, 1 on success and the strtok() of the flag string
had already replaced the commas up to that point with nulls.)
Change it so that set_flag returns null on successful processing and a
pointer to the offending flag on an unknown one.
Tweak the install rule to install a GNU-style .pc file iff
@MK_PKGCONFIG@ is not defined as #
Hand-resolve a conflict in the msvc Makefile
Add in paranoid list splitting [EXPLICITLIST] (the default
behavior many many versions ago before I realized it wasn’t the
standard) (and take the last of the 32-bit flag mask for it) between
adjacent ordered and unordered lists.
Create a utility function [notspecial()
] for theme & mkd2html
– check a filename to see if it’s a special file that doesn’t
need to be deleted or to have a .html suffix added to it. It
only works on machines that have a stat() system call + the S_ISFIFO,
S_ISCHR, and S_ISSOCK macros, otherwise it thinks that nothing is special.
Add a README for the utilities in the tools subdirectory
Add the git branch name into the version string if we’re not on the
master branch.
Add support for NMAKE and Visual C++ toolset.
(courtesy of Martin Hofmann (tin-pot) fork of Discount).
Add a ‘dirty’ flag to the Document structure & set it whenever
a callback changes (github issue #136) so that the next mkd_compile
will regenerate the document.
Tweak superscript handling to be able to superscript something wrapped in html
Tweak the show_flags()
function so that if it’s called verbosely
it will show synonyms for named flags. (Calling it verbosely is
done by the V
option, which is overloaded for verbosity when listing
Process html blocks in compile (as well as in compile_document();
needs to handle <style>
blocks and compile()
needs to
handle html blocks that are nested inside blockquotes, tables, lists, &tc.
Add –h1-title as an option to configure.sh; this enables code that uses
the first h1 in a document as the document title (in mkd2html & theme)
add gethopt()
– a q&d getopt clone that
accepts both full-word & single character options – instead of doing
kludgy bespoke argument parsing in mkd2html & theme.
The only big change (one that changes how Discount renders code) is the MKD_EXPLICITLIST
options flag which breaks the standard markdown behavior of merging adjacent numbered & bulleted lists. This was added because EVERY SINGLE MARKDOWN CLONE (except discount) apparently does not render lists the same way that the reference implementation does, and since the code was already there it was easy for me to option flag it back into functionality.
This horrible piece of code™ is sadly in need of some properly written documentation, but, alas, that is not to be found in this release. Maybe this summer? But until then, why not try it out? It still runs on modern Unix clones (macos, centos, debian), elderly Unix clones (freebsd 4.8), it’s been ported to Minix 3, and it apparently still builds on Windows (though I don’t have a windows build environment for it as of yet) and it probably won’t set your laptop on fire.
—orc Tue Feb 27 16:30:01 2018
Feb 23, 2018

Housekeeping, Dust Mite style
—orc Fri Feb 23 21:12:41 2018
Feb 22, 2018

Buckeley, post cancer surgery, and not too happy about his elegant elizabethan collar
—orc Thu Feb 22 18:52:13 2018
Feb 21, 2018

Highway 26 (ploughed & sanded, thank goodness) on the climb up to Sylvan this morning (taking Buckeley to a specialist to have his cancerous ear removed, otherwise we would have just stayed at home and waited for this round of snow to melt.)
—orc Wed Feb 21 12:52:32 2018
Feb 16, 2018
Feb 13, 2018

Back to the daily routine (but with somewhat more racy – Schwalbe One tubeless 650×25b – tires than usual.)
—orc Tue Feb 13 17:24:24 2018
Feb 10, 2018

Mount Hood from Eaden Road
—orc Sat Feb 10 15:29:06 2018
Feb 09, 2018

Dust Mite would like to do some randonneuring, please.
—orc Fri Feb 9 21:41:47 2018
Feb 08, 2018

A couple of chickens hunt in front of a doomed house down by New Seasons.
—orc Thu Feb 8 17:13:03 2018
Feb 06, 2018

A bagette won’t fit in this porteur/randonneur bag, but I can lay it across the top of the other groceries and flop the lid over it.
—orc Tue Feb 6 22:03:45 2018
Feb 04, 2018

A huge head of broccoli tops off a rando bag full of groceries.
—orc Sun Feb 4 20:31:51 2018
Feb 02, 2018

A matched pair of water bottles, ± one Dust Mite
—orc Fri Feb 2 23:42:12 2018