Nov 28, 2014

Dust Mite inspects my rack perimeter storage hook.
—orc Fri Nov 28 20:27:19 2014
Nov 26, 2014

Mount Hood from the park road that runs around the east side of Mount Tabor.
—orc Wed Nov 26 13:57:48 2014

Mavis naps on the loveseat.
—orc Wed Nov 26 10:02:54 2014
Nov 23, 2014

650b, porteur, and a baguette. Time to shop!
—orc Sun Nov 23 20:01:54 2014

Kale, chocolate, pepperment – three great tastes that DO NOT go together.
—orc Sun Nov 23 01:21:10 2014
Nov 22, 2014

One of our interior doorknobs fell apart and the bolt that held it together vanished into the mists. So I fixed it by tapping the spindle for a m5 bolt, which I then lifted from my rackbuilding supplies. I should really walk all the doorknobs and do this, because I’m much happier using a hex driver to fasten things together than trying to do it with a flat-bladed screwdriver.
—orc Sat Nov 22 20:53:33 2014
Nov 21, 2014

The United Streetcar test track in north Clackamas County
—orc Fri Nov 21 16:05:11 2014
Nov 18, 2014

The new trolley+bus bridge under cloudyish skies.
—orc Tue Nov 18 17:30:57 2014
Nov 16, 2014
Nov 14, 2014

Dust Mite and a conventionally tiny rando rack.
—orc Fri Nov 14 22:29:26 2014
Nov 13, 2014

The winter storm wasn’t nearly as severe as predicted, so I ended up going out for a bike ride this afternoon despite it. Not being severe doesn’t mean that there wasn’t anything going on, though; it was sleety and freezing rainily all afternoon, and by the time I got home the midlifecrisismobile was encrusted with an ⅛th-inch layer of ice.
—orc Thu Nov 13 16:58:49 2014
Nov 12, 2014

Our furnace has joined the choir invisible, and NW Oregon is getting swatted with a winter storm (in November! In almost-coastal Oregon!) tonight and tomorrow. We can’t get a service for the furnace until Friday, and if the forecast of snow+sleet+freezing rain is true, the roads will be in no condition for me to carry firewood tomorrow or friday. So, instead of making a couple of pallet runs I instead went to the local store and picked up a few bundles of firewood. Heavy bundles of firewood, but at least they’re low-hanging heavy bundles which kept the xtracycle shimmy down to a dull roar. Hopefully they’ll be enough to keep the house not-cold until the furnace clanks back to life.
—orc Wed Nov 12 17:37:35 2014
Nov 09, 2014

Scavenging pallets by bike.
—orc Sun Nov 9 13:55:14 2014
Nov 08, 2014

Less than a year until I can wait for a train here.
—orc Sat Nov 8 16:39:57 2014
Nov 07, 2014

The flash reflection from Buckeley’s eyes is almost exactly the same color as the blanket he’s reclining on.
—orc Fri Nov 7 22:47:58 2014
Nov 05, 2014

I won’t eat fish at the sushi joint, but I will happily eat sweet bean paste balls until I puff up like Violet Beauregarde.
—orc Wed Nov 5 20:50:37 2014
Nov 03, 2014
Nov 02, 2014

I was taking a photo of the fully-laden Trek after finishing up my afternoon’s shopping, but didn’t realize the glass behind it was acting as a mirror.
—orc Sun Nov 2 21:44:50 2014
Nov 01, 2014

… so it’s time to switch from the born-again Trek to the midlifecrisismobile for my wanderings around NW Oregon.
—orc Sat Nov 1 18:53:01 2014