Apr 30, 2016

A practice bag before I sew a clone of a rivendell shopsack (which will be simple compared to fighting with a rando bag.) I only screwed up a couple of things (like the width of the front pocket lid; it should have been half an inch narrower than this so I could tape around it. As it is it’s going to be fun taping the carcass together without making it look like a complete bodge.)
—orc Sat Apr 30 20:19:33 2016
Apr 29, 2016
Apr 26, 2016

The kit bike’s rear fender shed a bolt somewhere on saturday’s run of the Perrydale Pancake, so I pulled the born-again Trek out of the basement for the weekly bagel run. After spending several months riding the kit bike & sweet fixie, both with ≥61cm saddle-to-bar distance, the 58cm s2b on the born-again Trek feels /really/ short.
When I bought the trek in ‘89, it had a 7cm quill stem that stood about 4cm above the HT. My mind boggles at the thought.
—orc Tue Apr 26 13:31:30 2016
Apr 23, 2016

The kit bike and the Perrydale Dragon.
—orc Sat Apr 23 21:38:29 2016
Apr 22, 2016

A Dust Mite and a yawning cat
—orc Fri Apr 22 23:09:37 2016
Apr 21, 2016

Doyle McCormack’s ex-Utah RSD-5 switches in the ORHF’s shop yard this afternoon.
—orc Thu Apr 21 14:31:17 2016
Apr 20, 2016

A southbound train @ 99e & 17th.
—orc Wed Apr 20 13:35:36 2016
Apr 16, 2016

The kit bike at the 45th parallel in Silverton, Oregon on the return leg of my One Big Hill permanent.
—orc Sat Apr 16 23:55:29 2016
Apr 15, 2016

Dust Mite found a new hiding place.
—orc Fri Apr 15 21:58:09 2016
Apr 13, 2016

The front triangle for the 3-speed project bike, mitered (except for @ the bottom bracket, where I still need to notch the ST to fit around the DT) and ready for me to modify my frame jig so it can be used to hold the pieces of a fillet-brazed frame together during fabrication.
—orc Wed Apr 13 16:53:16 2016
Apr 10, 2016

A lamb steak cut (needed to check the doneness of the meat) so it looked like a fishhead.
—orc Sun Apr 10 22:45:16 2016
Apr 08, 2016

This can’t be proper food prep conditions
—orc Fri Apr 8 23:47:04 2016
Apr 03, 2016

EPT 100 crosses over the Milwaukie interurban’s line just south of the ORHF shops in East Portland. This part of town is amazingly cluttered with railroads these days; East Portland Traction, Tri-Met’s Milwaukie interurban, the SP UP line to California, and the Portland Streetcar’s east side loop all tangle together here in a mass of crossings, junctions,and bridges.
—orc Sun Apr 3 17:23:45 2016
Apr 02, 2016

Another day, another rando bike parked in front of the Ripplebrook ranger station guard station store (which no longer has wifi? Weird)
—orc Sat Apr 2 22:39:51 2016
Apr 01, 2016

After using an iphone 5c camera (zoomed +hdr'ed) then postprocessing to make the distant volcano more visible (the volcano I was on – Mount Scott – is striking but it’s one of about 40 similarly-sized vents that are scattered around Multnomah + northern Clackamas counties, so it’s not the same as a 11,000' stratovolcano) and the resulting image is basically the same as if I’d taken a canvas with me and painted what I saw (with the notable exception that an iphone is considerably lighter than paints,brushes,solvents, canvas, and easel.)
—orc Fri Apr 1 14:19:47 2016