Jan 30, 2016

An EPT passenger train at the ORHF shops.
—orc Sat Jan 30 16:58:16 2016
Jan 29, 2016
Jan 28, 2016

The bruising and swelling on my left shoulder has subsided enough so that the fractured clavicle just hurts (instead of HURTS!!!), so that means I can get back to painting the kit bike. 4 light coats of traction orange today, with another 2-3 to go before I set it aside to cure for a couple of days, then sand + paint one last time before clearcoat, decals, and reassembly.
I’ll probably just brushpaint the next frame – rustoleum is a fairly fragile paint (the GT has already developed a large crop of dings and it has only been painted about a year now) and spraying seems to be fussier than I am capable of working around without a lot of finish sanding.
—orc Thu Jan 28 12:29:02 2016
Jan 25, 2016

Purple/Green approaches the clockwise loop stop at Grand & Weidler.
—orc Mon Jan 25 14:52:43 2016
Jan 22, 2016

Needs a smaller helmet.
—orc Fri Jan 22 22:37:33 2016
Jan 20, 2016

A northbound interurban led by a Bombardier/BN “type 1” car pulls into Bybee & 99e station while a P&W freight (led by the Willamette & Pacific geep) waits on the ex-SP mainline to the east.
—orc Wed Jan 20 22:31:37 2016
Jan 15, 2016

A nap after a long day (of napping)
—orc Fri Jan 15 23:27:44 2016
Jan 14, 2016
Ugh. Horrible things. They are good for knocking the edge off bone pain, but the cost of them is that I spend all day wandering around in a stuffed-with-cotton-ball haze and have to do heroic attempts at concentration to even get a single thing done.
I will be really happy when my clavicle is healed enough so that I can move it without more-pain-than-I-want-to-think-about and can get back to sewing/brazing/riding again instead of the far more exciting business of sleeping 12+ hours a day.
—orc Thu Jan 14 22:23:41 2016
Jan 08, 2016

Dust Mite makes a call
—orc Fri Jan 8 21:33:21 2016
Jan 01, 2016