Nov 28, 2016

Firing up the grill to make hamburgers for dinner
—orc Mon Nov 28 21:25:18 2016
Nov 25, 2016

Getting ready for bed
—orc Fri Nov 25 23:43:04 2016

The last bit of our front sidewalk is now (after 4 hours of work this morning) paved with bricks like G-d Himself intended.
—orc Fri Nov 25 15:38:06 2016
Nov 23, 2016
Nov 22, 2016

I let my family know that I was going shopping, so I was presented with a substantial shopping list which came close to overloading
the Trek during the return from the Big Big Store.
—orc Tue Nov 22 23:28:21 2016
Nov 21, 2016

This frame (which originally was a crosscheck) was hit by a car and the TT and DT were bent immediately aft of the HT. The downtube got a lovely crease in it, and when I chopped off most of it (so I can maybe use it as part of a new frame?) I was presented with this lovely ovoid cross-section.
I am mulling whether to chop the tubes off flush with the HT and use it for another frame, but It’s not as if I’m short of tubing in the first place.
—orc Mon Nov 21 23:53:10 2016
Nov 19, 2016

Now (or at least after I put a front wall + door into the thing – I’d LIKE to put a level floor in as well but that’s not strictly necessary) I can move my bike mess out of the basement and have the ability to make racks + frames without having my work area in two different locations.
—orc Sat Nov 19 14:27:08 2016
Nov 18, 2016

David Bowie memorial Dust Mite?
—orc Fri Nov 18 23:47:01 2016
Nov 16, 2016

Blue/Red, bicycle parking, and the pylon that lifts the cables for the aerial tramway high enough to clear the freeway (and the housing) that sits between the OHSU complex on the hill and the OHSU building that’s right behind me.
(It’s at least 100 bicycles locked up in that bike lot on the far side of the trolley line, and another 30 or so locked up on the racks alongside the building behind me. A much better use of space than a huge old parking garage would have been.)
—orc Wed Nov 16 13:06:31 2016
Nov 15, 2016

A pair of S70s block my way as I ride north along 17th Ave.
—orc Tue Nov 15 16:22:06 2016
Nov 11, 2016

Mavis and Dust Mite occupy a sleeping bag in the middle of the living room floor (sigh)
—orc Fri Nov 11 23:40:29 2016
Nov 10, 2016

A hundred-fifty(ish) pounds of sweetgum root, freshly excavated from the pit where I’m going to put a brick sidewalk. Momma, don’t let your babies grow up to be homeowners!
—orc Thu Nov 10 13:26:23 2016
Nov 09, 2016

A 10" diameter root that’s spent the last 10 years shoving the last concrete slab in our sidewalk up. The concrete slab is gone, and soon too will this root (and then I can lay brick on the last bit of the sidewalk.)
—orc Wed Nov 9 17:32:35 2016
Nov 08, 2016

Bigotry, fascism, and misogyny appears to have won the day. Again. Sigh.
—orc Tue Nov 8 22:38:10 2016

But slowly, thanks to an impressively stiff headwind on the hill between Troutdale & Multnomah Falls (with the addition of a flat tire and discovering that my frame pump seems to be running out of puff in its old age.)
—orc Tue Nov 8 17:26:34 2016
Nov 05, 2016

At approximately the halfway point of the Estacada 100, and at approximately the time where I became completely soaked by the rain despite my allegedly waterproof raingear.
—orc Sat Nov 5 21:39:50 2016
Nov 04, 2016

Dust Mite inspects the sidewalk excavation
—orc Fri Nov 4 18:00:44 2016
Nov 03, 2016

Almost all of the rest of the concrete sidewalk (there are a couple of 3x3 slabs at the far end of the pit that I need to decide whether to pull out or to lift and reballast level) broken into tiny pieces (by sledgehammer, large prybar, and heavy boulder) and heaped on each side of the large open pit that I’m going to fill with a 3-layer casserole of gravel, paver sand, and concrete bricks.
—orc Thu Nov 3 17:44:28 2016