Mar 30, 2019

Finishing the last bottle of Bridgeport IPA I’m likely to ever drink, thanks to the brewery closing down 3 weeks ago after the conglomerate that owned it decided that the land was worth more to scrape and put apartments on than it would be to keep running as a brewery (I’m sure that they’ll get a contract brewery to make something that’s almost, but not quite, entirely like Bridgeport, which they’ll sell as Bridgeport IPA in the way that the Rene Herse name has been scraped and is now being used to sell the bicycle equivalent of washing powder.)
RIP Bridgeport. You kept brewing in Portland going a little while longer after the Weinhard brewery was scraped. Now it’s only Widmer that’s perfuming the air with the occasional blast of hops (and at least being under the Fremont Bridge & across from Albina Yard means that that land isn’t quite so valuable as the Pearl District) for now.
—orc Sat Mar 30 00:32:45 2019
Mar 29, 2019

Don’t worry, I’m a highly trained professional.
—orc Fri Mar 29 13:41:30 2019
Mar 28, 2019

Ozy reviews some of the changes I’m putting into levee v4.
—orc Thu Mar 28 22:57:10 2019
Mar 27, 2019

Ozymandias overflows a pillow
—orc Wed Mar 27 14:54:28 2019
Mar 24, 2019
ls, written in CMD:
@echo off
set args=
set opts=
set foo=%1
set "isflag=%foo:~0,1%"
if "%isflag%"=="-" (
set "opts=%opts%%foo:-=/%"
goto getopt
if [%opts%]==[] set opts=/d
if NOT [%1]==[] (
set foo=%1
set "args=%args% %foo:/=\%"
goto concat
dir %opts% %args% | findstr /v /b /c:" "
Notice the horrible hoops I need to jump through to change options from -opt
to /opt
and to convert forward slashes in filenames to backwards slashes. And oh my god CMD is fragile; if I pass it any filenames with spaces in them it will explode on me (there are ways to get around it, I think, but they aren’t trivial and I just want to be able to do the simple cases of ls
on the windows machine I’m using as a minecraft server.)
It’s nice that Microsoft is stubbornly clinging to backwards compatibility, but wow CMD is a weirdly assembled shell and I wish they’d do a native port of ksh.
—orc Sun Mar 24 22:34:14 2019

A rebar raptor on a sidestreet near Henry Higgins
—orc Sun Mar 24 16:35:16 2019
Mar 23, 2019

I’m in the throes of pushing levee up to version 4.0, and in the process of doing the windows port I’ve discovered that despite their best efforts Microsoft still doesn’t really get the whole idea of ttys. In particular trying to get levee to actually work over an ssh connection to windows is an exercise in screaming annoyance; to make it easy for people to use windows programs in a pipelines, they’ve wedged a console emulator into the drivers that are used to spit bits at remote connections and stuffed a ansi terminal emulator into it which you can turn on by setting a console mode bit, but they’ve not done a very good job at it; the spitting bits at remote connections doesn’t optimize the output, and the ansi emulator emulates buffer overruns and does mysterious unflushable buffering just to drive you nuts when debugging a text editor where you can see the escape sequences being sent to the console file descriptor, but then see a completely different set of escape sequences being sent to the terminal.
I know that Microsoft has ways of send bags of bits into and out of a system without doing any emulation or translation, but if you’re telnetted in? Weeeeelll, sucks to be you because you’re gonna get the effing screen buffers (and maybe even capturing ansi escapes?) whether you want to or not. (I’d not be at all surprised if there was an undocumented way to flip a console to bag-of-bits mode, because I can’t be the only person to want to telnet into a windows box and use vi (or emacs) but not-for-the-love-of-god-v*m, but the magic word is “undocumented”, so mere mortals are screwed.)
But on the bright side I’ve now got a hardware abstraction layer running, so levee proper just calls display functions that then call the os functions that come in whatever os shim module is included in the build, so when I’m messing around with the windows interface I’m not fucking with the editor proper (allegedly; I may have introduced a few bugs when stripping the pile of #ifdefs out, so there’s gonna be at least 3 months of my using it before I officially publish the release.)
If anyone wants to play with the development versions, they’re at top-of-heap on the public sccs mirror.
—orc Sat Mar 23 23:15:58 2019
Mar 22, 2019

A bag full of Mite
—orc Fri Mar 22 22:23:28 2019
Mar 20, 2019

Ozymandias & Thor curl up on a quilt
—orc Wed Mar 20 19:41:45 2019
Mar 16, 2019
Mar 15, 2019

Helping me track down why visual mode on windows garbles all the output and then dumps core (and lord how modern C compilers whine and whine and whine about perfectly valid C from the 1990s.)
—orc Fri Mar 15 23:48:28 2019

I took the old Bianchi Strada frame that’s been sitting around in my bike mess since I replaced the rear dropouts and dug up enough parts to make it into a bicycle shaped object. It’s not nearly as comfortable to ride as any of my other machines is (it’s short and, as you can see, there’s not much saddle to bar drop & it doesn’t have drop bars, so it forces an upright position) but that’s okay because it’s meant to be a way I can store parts without having them get submerged in the piles of bike parts & frame/rackbuilding tools & supplies.
If you think it looks really low, you’re right! The Bianchi Stradas of this era are designed around 700×38c tires, and I’ve put 559×38 tires (and wheels) on it, which makes it an upright scraper bike. I can’t do much for the low BB & short TT, but if I go back and strip off the existing bars (Soma Sparrow, I think) and replace them with the set of Lauterwasser bars that are floating around with all of my other bike parts I’ll be able to push my handlebar position forward and down a little bit, which will make it a slightly more comfortable scraper bike.
—orc Fri Mar 15 18:40:41 2019
Mar 12, 2019

Mavis uses the computer. As a footwarmer, yes, but she’s using the computer nevertheless.
—orc Tue Mar 12 13:47:14 2019
Mar 11, 2019

A new firewall/router so I can convert the Actiontec modem that Qwest provided into just a modem instead of a (crappy) modem/router/firewall); I’m doing this because the end-user network staff at Qwest pushed a firmware update that disables shell access to my modem, and refuse to give me the password to reenable it. I was logging into the modem and setting up traffic shaping so that non-games traffic could get through when the medium-sized bears are both gaming, but hahaha I can’t do that now so f you qwest I’m going to pitch your modem into the electronic equivalent of the trash (as soon as I can figure out how to telnet into this thing and configure it as a firewall/router.)
This is a friendlyelec nanopi r1 with 1gb of core and an 8gb ssd. Running Linux, as so many tiny arm machines do, though I’m sure I can coax it into working properly for me.
—orc Mon Mar 11 19:24:05 2019
Mar 10, 2019

I like big leeks and I can not lie
You other brothers can’t deny
—orc Sun Mar 10 20:15:52 2019
Mar 08, 2019

Installing a friction-shifted 8-speed cassette on the junk bike
—orc Fri Mar 8 22:50:03 2019
Mar 07, 2019
Ridiculous phishing attempt of the week, complete with some really deranged html and wild-ass claims about the size of the disk on my mail server.
Your email has used up the storage limit of 99.9
gigabytes as def ined by your Administrator. You will be
blocked from sending and recei ving messages if not re-
validated within 48hrs.
Kindly click on your email below for quick re-val idation and
additional storage will be updated automatically
E-mail Support 2018.
(lightly edited to make the html a little closer to xhtml (via tidy -asxhtml
) and to point the phishing hyperlink towards something more interesting)
—orc Thu Mar 7 10:47:31 2019
Mar 02, 2019

Ozy & Thor & Dust Mite
—orc Sat Mar 2 23:56:32 2019
Mar 01, 2019

Thor & Dust Mite, napping on the dining room table.
—orc Fri Mar 1 21:19:43 2019