Sep 30, 2018
Sep 29, 2018

Silas’s new bicycle – a Specialized Sirrus (ca late 1980s?) that’s been converted to 650b and set up with a set of Pari-Motos (I stripped all the components off his old Shiromoto and moved them to this frame + a spare 650b wheelset.)
—orc Sat Sep 29 23:58:08 2018
Sep 28, 2018

The greedy little cat is setting a bad example for a Dust Mite to follow
—orc Fri Sep 28 22:57:31 2018

Ozy guards the stairs and a sunspot.
—orc Fri Sep 28 12:13:53 2018
Sep 25, 2018

The gravel®©™ bike lives!
—orc Tue Sep 25 18:51:16 2018
Sep 23, 2018

Building, for a change, a rear rack (the fractional Cross Check it’s test-mounted on is going to be made into a cycletruck a couple of frames from now.)
—orc Sun Sep 23 18:03:28 2018
Sep 21, 2018

The music critic casts shade on our library
—orc Fri Sep 21 22:18:50 2018
Sep 19, 2018

Running out to get a store-bought pizza for (everybody else’s) dinner.
—orc Wed Sep 19 20:39:37 2018
Sep 18, 2018

There’s a small pile of cable stops, brake bridges, rack mounts, light mounts, brake bosses, derailer bosses, and tube braces that need to be glued on before I dare ride it, but the basic diamond frame is all glued together now so I had to throw a bunch of components on to see what it looks like as a real bicycle.
—orc Tue Sep 18 18:58:51 2018
Sep 16, 2018

Finally starting on the xtracycle frame, with the easy part (aka the front triangle) the first thing under the torch. This one is 73°/73°, with an ~600mm ETT (slightly sloped; I’d planned for a .5° slope, but I think it turned out to be closer to 1°) and a 110(ish)mm HT. As is traditional, my xtracycle is going to have the most aggressive saddle->bar drop of all of my bicycles, but that’s only a matter of ±10mm between the lot of them (unless I use a stack of spacers under the gravel®©™ bike’s stem), but in any case this is going to take a while to build because I need to think up a jig to hold all of the fiddly tubes of an extracycle rear triangle together and in line before I finish it.
—orc Sun Sep 16 18:55:42 2018
Sep 14, 2018

Still life with cat, Dust Mite, and chair destroyed by cats
—orc Fri Sep 14 22:43:24 2018

The most fussy parts of assembling this thing are done now; the remaining aligning and brazing won’t need any sort of super-fussy aligning (I need to take the 2×4 of gentle persuasion to the chainstays to line them up a little bit, but that’s pretty trivial now that they’re brazed into the BB) and can just be laid up and stuck to the frame at my leisure, and then I get to do the simple-but-strenuous job of reaming & facing the HT, facing the BB, and reaming out the seat tube before scrounging a group out of my bike mess and throwing it onto this frameset.
—orc Fri Sep 14 19:00:36 2018
Sep 13, 2018

Soaking off the flux before cleaning up any brazing mistakes and gluing on the rear triangle, cable stops, and brake posts.
—orc Thu Sep 13 20:40:43 2018
Sep 12, 2018

The front half of the frame, mainly brazed together (I need to draw the brass up to the top edge of the ST/TT lug, a couple of lug points need to be adjusted to sit flush(er) with their tubes, and there might be a couple of spots in the BB shell where the brass was blocked by flux slag) and ready to have the rear triangle fitted into place.
—orc Wed Sep 12 13:52:49 2018
Sep 08, 2018
Sep 07, 2018

We’re setting up the jig for my next two (maybe next three, depending on how much BB drop I’m going to want to put into the historical reenactment rando frame I’ve got planned) bicycle frames; I’m building the front triangles in this jig, and then I’m going to turn around and make up a different jig for the rear triangle.
This will give me the front triangles for a 73°/73°/~600mm ETT/70mm BB drop frame. There’s a bunch of lugtweaking that I need to do for the rear triangle (I need about a 64° ST/CS angle, and I believe this BB shell has the lugs cast at ~62°; on top of that I need to adjust the outwards angles of the lugs because the CSs are diverging more than the lug angles.
Sometime tomorrow I need to put these tubes out and drill them for bottle bosses and a DT port for wiring (I don’t have the courage to do a Herse-style wiper on the steertube!), then cut the ST down so I can fit a ST/TT lug into place, then stroll on out to the garage and glue at least this guy together.
—orc Fri Sep 7 23:51:47 2018
Sep 05, 2018

A clockwise trolley approaches OMSI station while a counterclockwise trolley pulls out of the platform.
—orc Wed Sep 5 18:31:45 2018
Sep 04, 2018

Look on my floof, ye Mighty, and despair!
—orc Tue Sep 4 17:12:51 2018