Apr 28, 2019

Bombardier/BN “Type 1” car #117 continues to rack up mileage ~33 years after it first saw service (on this line; Gresham↔Portland)
—orc Sun Apr 28 18:20:11 2019
Apr 26, 2019

A Dust Mite tableau
—orc Fri Apr 26 22:33:08 2019

Meeting a train at the Tacoma & 99e station
—orc Fri Apr 26 18:35:18 2019
Apr 23, 2019

Thor balances on the back of a chair as she gazes adoringly at Mavis.
—orc Tue Apr 23 22:39:12 2019
Apr 21, 2019

Taking the scenic route, again, on the way back from Trader Joe’s
—orc Sun Apr 21 16:39:39 2019
Apr 20, 2019
你好! 您可能已经注意到,我从您的帐户发
送了一封电子邮件。 这意味着我可以完全访问您的设备。 我已经看了好几个月了。 事实是,您通过您访问过的成人网站
感染了恶意软件。 如果您对此不熟悉,我会解释。 我创建了高质量的间谍软件。 它允许我获得对您设备的完全访问权
限和控制权。 这意味着我可以在屏幕上看到所有内
容,打开相机和麦克风,Ħ您不知道。 我也可以访问您的所有联系人和所有
通信。 为什么您的防病毒软件没有检测到恶意软件? 回答::我的恶意软件使用驱动程序
毒软 Ö无声。 我制作了一个视频,展示了你如何在
屏幕的左半部分让自己满 ዯ,在右半部分,你 ú看到你观看的视频Z 一键! 您在电子邮件和社交网络中的所有联
系人都将收到此视频! 你的生活将永远改变& #65281; 我还可以发布您使用的所有电子邮件
通信和信使的访问权限。 如果你想阻止这个ʌ 将389美元的金额转入ৎ 的比特币地址(如果 ;您不知道如何做到这 一点,请写信给Google: Ü购买比特币”)。 我的比特币地址(BTCໞ 包)是:1DjuN5PM9VLXCeqYrb9nxzpQ8rb2hXZiEt 收到付款后,我将删除该视频,您将
永远不会再听到我的声音 ࣲ 我给你50个小时(超过 ;2天)付款。 我收到了这封信的通知,当你看到
这封信时,计时器会起作用 ࣲ 在某处提交投诉没有意义,因为无
法像我的比特币地址那样跟 此电子邮件。 我没有犯任何
错误。 如果我发现您与其他人
此消息,则视频将立即分发。 祝你好运,再见!
“我没有犯任何 错误。” ?

Well, maybe you made one.
—orc Sat Apr 20 13:18:06 2019
Apr 19, 2019

Taking Dust Mite’s blood pressure
—orc Fri Apr 19 22:05:05 2019
Apr 18, 2019

Coming back from a loop through North Clackamas County
—orc Thu Apr 18 21:18:50 2019
Apr 15, 2019

They are relentless in their campaign to make everything here into their territory
—orc Mon Apr 15 20:29:54 2019
Apr 13, 2019

Meeting a northbound Coast Startlight at the Bybee bridge over 99e, the Oak Grove interurban & the SP UP mainline.
—orc Sat Apr 13 18:52:53 2019
Apr 12, 2019

The tax accountant does a final check of our state taxes
—orc Fri Apr 12 23:06:09 2019

Ozy watches while Thor unmakes the bed
—orc Fri Apr 12 19:38:01 2019
Apr 10, 2019

I didn’t take my cargobike, but by g-d I was gonna bring those fenders home.
—orc Wed Apr 10 21:35:34 2019
Apr 06, 2019
So. I found a linux ucsd pascal pcode interpreter on the net, and thought that it would be a nice thing to compile (and then to see if I can find any of my old ucsd pascal hackery and get it to run on this interpreter), but, alas, it uses effing gnu configure (which I have many unkind things to say about, but this time around it was a lazy programmer’s way of ensuring that the code runs on both Redhat & Debian) which cheerfully ran (detecting a small handful of things that the code doesn’t care about) and generated a Makefile from the Makefile.in that came in the tarball.
I’m sure you want to know if gnu configure found all the system dependencies and set up a build environment that would work on my mac (not Redhat or Debian, but more-or-less Freebsd, which is the most Linux of all the BSDs), right? Executive summary: No. This interpreter is coded to depend on something called libexplain, which spits out horrifically verbose errors when functions it supports return an error, and since that library is apparently found on both Redhat & Debian, that’s all the portability anyone needs.
You might, understandably, ask why anyone would glue an autoconfigure into a piece of software when the developers have absolutely no interest in portability. Hell if I know. Maybe this is one of these “best practices” that comes out of the “CADT, a systems approach” book on software design, right after the chapter on how extreme agile programming is the best because it causes a proliferation of new opportunities for consultants and rockstar programmers.
—orc Sat Apr 6 23:32:26 2019
Apr 05, 2019

Dust Mite climbs a tree
—orc Fri Apr 5 19:00:46 2019
Apr 04, 2019

On the (scenic) way home after a quick trip over to Trader Joe’s.
—orc Thu Apr 4 20:15:21 2019
Apr 03, 2019

On the new route #2 (Division St half of the old Fessendon/Division #4 line)– I wonder if Tri-Met has decided to put a special paint scheme on lines that operate on (Portland-style) frequent headways all day?
(edit: No, that’s apparently the new Tri-Met paint scheme. Huh. I don’t know how I feel about it; it’s a good variant scheme, but I strongly believe that if you’re gonna paint your busses and trolleys traction orange you have to commit to that color and not just use it as an oh-so-trendy accent.)
—orc Wed Apr 3 21:15:04 2019
I’ve been looking online for some of the esoterica I need to fully implement the os layer for OS/2 levee and things were different in the late 1990s.
IBM Internet Connection for OS/2
A network of computers that spans the globe. Participants include
universities, major corporations, nonprofit organizations, and
individuals who want to acquire, distribute, and share information.
—orc Wed Apr 3 12:44:37 2019
Apr 02, 2019

Running(ish) on OS/2 version 4
—orc Tue Apr 2 23:58:10 2019