Saturday in railroad pictures

Two SD40-2's on an eastbound Yellow Menace train, as seen from the south side of the trout ponds at the Bonneville Dam fish hatchery

A couple of SD70m's pulling a container freight eastbound, as seen from the yard behind the gift/information shop at the Bonneville Dam fish hatchery

A westbound container freight whizzes by Horsetail Falls, pulled by another pair of SD70Ms. The pesky trees kept trying to get in the way, so I simply panned the camera while taking a continuous stream of pictures, then picked out the least-obscured one.
Jonathan Versen
Sun Aug 20 08:20:10 2006
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well, it came out pretty well as far as I can see. If one SD40 leaves Green bay, Wisconsin travelling west to Portland at 18 mph, and another one…