This is just *so* wrong.

Which Teen Titans Character Are You?

You are most like Starfire. A bit clumsy and innocent, you're lucky you have friends or who knows what would happen to you. You are excessively happy which sometimes gets on others' nerves. You tend to be too polite for your own good sometimes which may be depicted as snobbish. You are very nice and compassionate but you aren't afraid to let others know when you're mad, it is more of a bodily sign mostly in the eyes. You love light and try to cheer up that one gloomy person but it is like night and day. You can't help it though. You tend to be a charity case and try to help others feel less gloomy and inadvertently make it worse. You are drawn to a certain person and you are a bit...well a tad and a bit eccentric and odd. But don't worry it's your quirks that people like about you!
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