Railroad picture of the day

To try and make the best of a cloudy rainy day, we went up to SCRAP this afternoon to further stock up on project materials. When we were coming back, I realized that we were pacing (and slowly gaining on) a southbound Coast Starlight. Since we were going faster than it, we were able to get ahead and turn down a side street to wait for the train to show up, and about 10 seconds after we pulled up to the crossing the train went whooshing through, led by three GE twinkies.
This time around I had the Pentax on manual focus, so it didn't have to spend valuable time trying to determine what I was focussing on (the Pentax is a very nice little SLR, but it does not like trying to autofocus in low light situations, and a rainy Portland afternoon certainly qualifies as a low light situation.)