Yet another computer case

The back panel is acrylic sheet, lightly sanded so it won't be completely clear. There is nothing between the top panel and the processor board, so the Pepsi Syndrome has the potential for fatally hilarious consequences.

And, yes, in case you're wondering, it does have the obligatory crooked leg. One of the days I'm actually going to build something that doesn't have a crooked part on it, and then I will immediately die of shock.
The final bill of materials is
- wooden frame, base, and top panel are hardwood scraps from The Joinery.
- the glass (and acrylic) panels are from SCRAP, as is the decorative grillwork in the middle of the top coverplate.
- the glass is held in with window caulk. This I bought new.
- the motherboard is a VIA ME6000 (fanless);
- No floppy drive, no cdrom. I don't need a floppy drive and CD-roms are too noisy for my taste -- if I need to attach a CD-Rom, I've got a couple of USB-connected ones that I can temporarily attach.