Tidier, yes, but more productive? No.

The Glass PC project creeps onwards; I've put another hour and a half into finishing the base and the top plate, and then regluing joints on the base after the frame popped apart after I miscut the center and tried to force it (oops!) The metal grille in the middle of the top came from SCRAP a long time ago (I grabbed it the first time we went there, and tucked it aside waiting for something interesting to use it on.)

The top of this case lifts off so I can get at the parts inside. The bottom of the case is just a sheet of plywood, which may have a few ventilation holes drilled in it. The ME6000 is fanless, but if the Factory Case is any indication, it will need to have a ventilation hole under the CPU.

This is what the project looked like before I put it aside to build a workbench.