New (and extra trivial) Code!
Discount has been shoved up to version with a couple of tiny enhancements that I discovered when prototyping a complete rewrite of the list processing code (again); When I was using the markdown dingus to see how nested lists are supposed to work, I realized that text blocks absorb adjacent code lines no matter where they are, not just inside list items.
Whoops. At least that’s a fairly small fix (which, thankfully, does not break any of the reference test suites and only broke three of my test cases that were expecting that nonstandard behavior.) And, when I was correcting those test cases, I finally snapped and redid the failed test case logger so that the output it produces is first the source that failed, then the differences between the expected and generated output, and finally the name of the .t
(a funny thing about the .t
files is that github tries to identify the programming language of the files you mirror there, and instead of doing the sensible thing and checking the file contents they just check the extension. A lot of perl test suites use .t
for their test cases, so the people at github decided that if the extension is .t
, it’s got to be perl. So if you’re looking at the discount mirror@github and see a claim that 20% of the code is in that TDVL, be aware that github is lying to you) file and how many cases succeeded/failed.
But, anyway, unless you regularly use constructs like
~~~ text text text code! ~~~
this New Code! will, hopefully, not cause male-pattern baldness, tremors, or faintness of breath (That is waiting for the rewrite/cleanup of the increasingly baroque list processing code) and you should scamper on out and help me debug it right now!