Project of the day
On the left you see my prototype#2 handlebar bag. On the right you see the first production handlebar bag, which isn’t finished (I ran out of black woven tape and need to go back to the Mill End Store to get some more before I can sew the sides onto the front-bottom-back-top-flap) but which has not seen a single hand stitch in the ~2 hours I’ve put into it so far (I started a little before 11am by cutting out the fbbtf, sides, and the pocket that holds the first aid kit on the front (it will be interesting to see how hard it is to remove the first aid kit when the bag is mounted, but that’s a problem for a different time)), and sewed until I ran out of tape at sometime around 1:20, with a 20-odd minute break for reading the net when my brains started running out of my ears.
When I finish the new bag, it goes onto the mlcm and I’ll pull the lining out of the prototype bag so I can replace the velcro closures with more traditional latching mechanisms. And then I’ll replace the lining with one that’s got more robust pockets, because the screaming yellow pocket material is already starting to wear through in places after not much more than 1500 miles of service.
But, yes, it will be handlebar bags for sale. Handmade by a neurotic ex-programmer in his home sweatshop. Not as elegant as some, but perfectly functional. Inquire within for prices and availability.