This Space for Rent

Hall of idiots (Stupid Party edition)

Note that Joe Leiberman is not in the hall of idiots this time.

Biden (Pl-DE)
"I see no reason why a filibuster would work"
Byrd (D-WV), Johnson (D-SD), Nelson (D-NE)
Don't care if a candidate for the Supreme Court lies to Congress.
Conrad (D-ND)
"I feel more favorably disposed toward him" and, as a special bonus quote to show how much he cares about a candidate for the Supreme Court lying to Congress "He represented to me he does not have a view of an unchecked executive"
Landrieu (D-LA)
Cowed by the threat of having the Evil Party withhold reconstruction funding for Louisiana
Salazar (D-CO)
Cowed by threats from the christopath James Dobson.

Time to start making phone calls. None of them are my senators, but it might be worthwhile to make time in my schedule to make calls to the minority leader and the DNC suggesting that if the Democrats can't filibuster the bagman of the week, they aren't a suitable recipient of my campaign contributions.

(via King of Zembla)


The cryptofascist takeover floodgates will soon be open!

Mike Fri Jan 27 16:39:35 2006

I think the floodgates are already open, and doing a filibuster is wading into the torrent to try and start winching them closed again.

David Parsons Fri Jan 27 18:32:45 2006

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