A cold morning in the East Portland yard

EPT #100 and SP/City of Portland #4449 sit behind the fence separating the yard from the hordes of curious children who come and go from OMSI. The 4449 is going to be hauling passenger trains this afternoon, and I suspect that the #100 is positioned here in case there's another derailment (the #700 is not going to be doubleheading with the 4449, so the chances of an engine spreading the rails again is much reduced.)
(I spent most of this week trying to get pictures of #100 and #4449 with a telephoto lens from a moving bus on the Ross Island Bridge. As you can imagine, this was not a particularly successful endeavor. So today, I hitched a ride with the best and got her to swing by the Eng!s on the way towards downtown.)
(derailment pictures link to Dogcaught)