Hair of the dog that bit you
You would think that after a day in which we went to Iron Artist and spent a hour or so watching the group March Fourth! perform, we'd be spending a nice quiet Sunday recovering from Saturday's activities.

You could think that, but that would be wrong.
After the performance on Saturday Night, the best asked some of the March Fourth! performers when they'd be performing next, and discovered that they were going to be down at Saturday Market on Sunday afternoon. So, bright and early Sunday (and that would be 11am) we got up, did our weekly run down to the Milwaukie Farmers Market, ate a quick lunch, then took a trolley into downtown Portland to watch March Fourth! for a second time.
We're used to seeing March Fourth! on fairly spacious stages; Russell Street is blocked off for Iron Artist, so they've got a large chunk of a city street to perform on, and when we saw them at Sunnyside school, they had a largish (muddy, but largish) area in front of the stage to perform in. This is not the case at Saturday Market; the performing area in front of the stage is approximately 10x40 feet, and because it's Portland, and because it's Saturday Market, and because it's March Fourth!, there were buckets of people there. Russell and I followed along behind the band as they marched from their old red truck to the show, and managed to find a place to sit right at the edge of the stage.
The view, even with me sitting down 99% of the time (I'm a little over 6 feet tall; if I stood up there would be quite a few annoyed people, and that includes the best and Silas, who couldn't see anything because of a large middle-aged computer programmer in the way), was absolutely spectacular. We managed to take a few pictures, too.

Middle aged computer programmer and cute offspring.

It turned out that March Fourth! was also performing in Lake Oswego later the same day (they actually begged out of doing an encore because they had to shovel everything into the firetruck and get down there for that 6pm show). but we were just too fried after the afternoon show to be true groupies and follow them to the next venue.
(Some pictures taken with my Pentax *istDS,
some pictures taken with the best's Nikon Coolpix 4600)