Iron Artist 3 (also known as an excuse to see March Fourth! again)
We went to Iron Artist yesterday, to see the artwork there, to support SCRAP, and to see March Fourth! perform again. This year was a pretty big year for artwork; 10 teams were competing for the coveted Cup du Scrap award.

Judging was done by an expert team of judges, including Metro president David Bragdon, shown here relaxing in the shade.

March Fourth! showed up and did a performance right after the 3 hour art timer went off. They actually started showing up quite a bit before the end of the art timer (we had to take a break a hour in to go find some food. We discovered, to our intense dismay, that Russell Street BBQ had had a kitchen fire, which meant that the restaurant was closed up (and their web page appears to have expired, too; I suspect that renewing the page is not high on their list of priorities these days) until the repaired the kitchen, so we had to grab a little snack somewhere else) because Russell and Silas discovered one of the March Fourth! drumsets sitting on the ground with nobody around to keep small children from playing it.

About 10 minutes before the art timer went off, the March Fourth! firetruck pulled up and the bulk of the band began to set up for the performance. I didn't get many pictures at this point because the bears were getting impatient and running all around}.

But, eventually the art timer went off, the Iron Artist art teams were wrestled away from their artworks, and March Fourth! started their performance.

They started at their firetruck...

... Marched around the art area, playing all the while

... then performed for a little over a hour (or until the dancers started dissolving into puddles of sweat.)
We stuck around until around 9:30pm so we could see who won the CdS and whether we won anything in the scrappy raffle (we won a US$75.00 gift certificate from a lumberyard in Olympia, which will make a good excuse for heading up into Washington next weekend or so), then we dragged ourselves home, put the pedestrians of the apocolypse to bed, then spent the next couple of hours sorting through 200+ pictures and picking the best 25 to put into this post.