At least they weren’t desecrating the Koran!
There's an article in the New York Times that describes, in more detail that I ever wanted to know, how the United States of America tortures people to death.
We do this shit all the time. And since the Coward in Chief has had his "accountability moment", we're going to keep doing it.
Tear down the Statue of Liberty. It's time to replace it with something more appropriate to what the United States has become:

(link via Avedon Carol)
Oh, you mean like this?
Those taxi drivers can be pretty dangerous. Better torture them all to death now to avoid confusion! After all, it's not as if the boiling hatred will ever rise to the point where friends and relations will fly aircraft into American skyscrapers.
But, levity aside, if you're religious you'd better find a priest and beg for redemption now, because if there is a G-d, you're in for a world of regret when you leave the mortal coil.
Newsweek LIED! People DIED!
Besides, David, if AMERICA! kills someone, regardless of how hideously it is done, it is good. It is right. It must be so. Repentance is unnecessary for those who cannot sin.
Please, get your thinking right, before it's too late.
let me tell you something you stupid ignorant skinhead Americans who wrote that shit above me here aren’t even aware that you’re being brainwashed by that fucking idiot who leads your country (Bush).In Canada we all know that, and everywhere else in the world knows it too. It’s because of people like you that your country is the number 1 hated on this planet. It seems that you Americans are the only ones in this world who don’t realize that you’re brainwashed by Bush being led into this war to in reality kill innocent people, among them many little kids to fatten bush’s pocket with oil money. It’s not about fighting terrorists as much as it is about trying to control Iraq and it’s oil, as the majority of “terrorists” you’re fighting aren’t really even terrorists but innocent people.I used to be in the Canadian Army, and I went to Afghanistan and saw some of the U.S. troops there, and you know what I saw them with my very own eyes murder and torture innocent people, even females and little kids!After my batallion and I saw these things, we asked ourselves “Why?”. I remember I felt just so horrible after that.Oh and by the way, this war that you’re so proud and cocky about fighting “the terrorists” is a war that is a repeat of Vietman and Somalia, and WOW are you guys ever getting your ass kicked over there. So if you skinheads think it’s good idea to kill all those “terrorists” then inshallah be my guest and I hope you get drafted into The U.S. Army and be deployed to Iraq and then have your head blown off by an Iraqi with an RPG. But to all the Anti-bush Americans , my support goes out to you in your struggle, God bless you.I just don’t understand how an image like that can make you feel good, you sick twisted bastards.If someone did that to someone you loved would that make you feel good
let me tell you something you stupid ignorant skinhead Americans who wrote that shit above me here aren’t even aware that you’re being brainwashed by that fucking idiot who leads your country (Bush).In Canada we all know that, and everywhere else in the world knows it too. It’s because of people like you that your country is the number 1 hated on this planet. It seems that you Americans are the only ones in this world who don’t realize that you’re brainwashed by Bush being led into this war to in reality kill innocent people, among them many little kids to fatten bush’s pocket with oil money. It’s not about fighting terrorists as much as it is about trying to control Iraq and it’s oil, as the majority of “terrorists” you’re fighting aren’t really even terrorists but innocent people.I used to be in the Canadian Army, and I went to Afghanistan and saw some of the U.S. troops there, and you know what I saw them with my very own eyes murder and torture innocent people, even females and little kids!After my batallion and I saw these things, we asked ourselves “Why?”. I remember I felt just so horrible after that.Oh and by the way, this war that you’re so proud and cocky about fighting “the terrorists” is a war that is a repeat of Vietman and Somalia, and WOW are you guys ever getting your ass kicked over there. So if you skinheads think it’s good idea to kill all those “terrorists” then inshallah be my guest and I hope you get drafted into The U.S. Army and be deployed to Iraq and then have your head blown off by an Iraqi with an RPG. But to all the Anti-bush Americans , my support goes out to you in your struggle, God bless you.I just don’t understand how an image like that can make you feel good, you sick twisted bastards.If someone did that to someone you loved would that make you feel good
let me tell you something you stupid ignorant skinhead Americans who wrote that shit above me here aren’t even aware that you’re being brainwashed by that fucking idiot who leads your country (Bush).In Canada we all know that, and everywhere else in the world knows it too. It’s because of people like you that your country is the number 1 hated on this planet. It seems that you Americans are the only ones in this world who don’t realize that you’re brainwashed by Bush being led into this war to in reality kill innocent people, among them many little kids to fatten bush’s pocket with oil money. It’s not about fighting terrorists as much as it is about trying to control Iraq and it’s oil, as the majority of “terrorists” you’re fighting aren’t really even terrorists but innocent people.I used to be in the Canadian Army, and I went to Afghanistan and saw some of the U.S. troops there, and you know what I saw them with my very own eyes murder and torture innocent people, even females and little kids!After my batallion and I saw these things, we asked ourselves “Why?”. I remember I felt just so horrible after that.Oh and by the way, this war that you’re so proud and cocky about fighting “the terrorists” is a war that is a repeat of Vietman and Somalia, and WOW are you guys ever getting your ass kicked over there. So if you skinheads think it’s good idea to kill all those “terrorists” then inshallah be my guest and I hope you get drafted into The U.S. Army and be deployed to Iraq and then have your head blown off by an Iraqi with an RPG. But to all the Anti-bush Americans , my support goes out to you in your struggle, God bless you.I just don’t understand how an image like that can make you feel good, you sick twisted bastards.If someone did that to someone you loved would that make you feel good
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And you believed them, right?
Personally I have no problem with the USA killing each and every terrorist they come across. The fewer in the world the better, don't you agree?