A quick review of The most perfect healthcare system in the whole wide world™

The most efficient healthcare that the world has ever seen! It's far better than that icky socialized medicine that FRANCE uses!

Look how healthy our children are!

Envy our life expectancy! And how infrequently we get sick. It's much better than anything those effete Europeans can even dream of!

And it's cheap, too! The best healthcare in the world, and we don't spend more than a pittance for it!

And, due to the miracle™ of the free© market®, we don't spend nearly as much percentagewise as those socialistic European (remember, that's where Hitler! came from!) plans do.

And did I mention how cheap it was? Yes, surely nobody can do better than the United States at providing quality healthcare that everyone can afford!
(graphs from Angry Bear
via The Sideshow)
Thu Apr 14 18:38:31 2005
Comments are closed
I love those graphs and I agree that it's way past time for national health care in this country. Paul Krugman does too. His latest NYT column is the first in a series he plans to write examining the "real crisis" in America, health care, NOT Social Security. Keep up the good work.