Oooh, Spooky!
After finishing the GlassPC, I left it sitting in the basement in case I wanted to do any last minute tweaks. Today, I found a set of bright blue LED computer case feet that I'd bought several years ago before I realized that it was more fun to make computer cases than it was to customise the boring old steel boxes that most PC compatables come in. I realized that if I pried the leds out of the case feet I'd be left with 4 bright blue LEDs wired up to be run off a 12v power line, which just happened to be available inside the glassPC.
A removable lid makes it easy to make quicky changes; I popped the lid, stuffed the pile of LEDs, wire, and on-off switch into the case, put the lid back on, turned it on, and....

Yes, I could put some flourescent tubes into the case, but that would spoil the "made from SCRAP parts" effect. Even just tossed into the case, the effect is very pretty -- when the LEDS are placed in the front of the box, they don't shine up through the grill on the top, and they don't appear to shine through the red glass panels on the sides at all. I think I'll have to unfinish the GlassPC so I can retrofit it with these lights (and, while I'm at it, I'll put in a reset switch; I'm going to put the on/off switch for the leds under the hood, so I can set the reset switch right next to that on/off switch and it will be just like the diagnostics panel on an IBM x-series PC, except much less annoying.)
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When I looked at the URL, it parsed out as "Sell wood; more land." I couldn't figure out why you were getting involved with heartless logging operations!