This Space for Rent

Unreasonable search and seizure, anyone?

Feds want Google search records, says the headline in the San Jose Mercury News. Why? The B*sh junta claims that they're trying to resurrect an anti-child-porn law (struck down two years ago by the pre-bagman Supreme Court, so you can get some idea of what regard Maximum Leader Genius holds for the laws that allegedly govern the United States of America), and Google, to their credit, have been telling the feds to get stuffed ever since they started trying to troll Google for searches (they want a cool million web addresses and all the search records from any one week period.)

Hands up if you were actually surprised by this stunt. Remember this is the illegal junta that is unconstitutionally spying on US citizens just because they can; what do you bet that Yahoo and MSN have had similar attempts for wholesale search and seizure done to them?