This Space for Rent

We didn’t need to defend the blue states anyways.

Avedon Carol is writing suspiciously about the Evil Party's ongoing project to capture the military, and points out that it really makes very little sense from any rational viewpoint.

It depends on what the military is going to be used for. If the future of America is to be a feudal society where the vast bulk of us (yes, even including upper middle class people like me) will be serfs, then it makes good sense to pull the military back to the centers of your power, so when the (former) engines that drive the US economy rebel, you don't have to worry about them taking large chunks of the army with them (The national guard is a fairly powerful fighting force, but it's well on the road to being completely wrecked, and all of the private firearms in the United States won't make a penny of difference if a civil war breaks out, but if the Republic of New England [Vermont, Mass, RI, Conn, NY, NJ, coastal Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland] took a few divisions of the regular army with them, the resulting nuclear war would tend to isolate Jesusland from the rest of the world.) But I don't think that's the reason why they're moving the armed forces to Jesusland.

I think there are two reasons to move the army to Jesusland. The first reason is the simplest; it allows them to continue to loot the public purse and reward their base, which is a long-standing published Evil Party policy. And the second reason is that they're worried that the harsh light of reality will break their control of the armed forces; it doesn't really matter that much that the reserves are being broken on the anvil of the Iraqi resistance, but if the regular army was allowed to see and hear about the effects of the New American Fascism, there might be mutinies that would be difficult to put down.

So, move them to the South! In the South, it's Pravda! 24x7 (I have relatives in the deep south, and when we've visited, it was all propaganda all the time), so there's no enabling of thoughtcrime there. And if you're in the military districts, there's a steady stream of government money rolling in to help hide the teeny detail that the US economy is going belly-up. And, to make things even better, you're not going to have any effete eastern intellectual lawyer making any waves when the fundamentalist kooks are invited into the military bases to indoctrinate the soldiers with the New! American! Christianity! (which is actually just garden-variety Satanism, but it certainly cleans up nicely, doesn't it?)

It's hard enough, even in a place where there's public debate, to convincingly argue that the wolf is at the door and that things need to be done to deter it. If the wolf can control everything you see and hear, it becomes very difficult to recognise that it is indeed a wolf.

Mind you, the South isn't nearly as stupid as the Evil Party thinks it is (if you want stupid people, shoot, 45% of Oregon voted for the Coward in Chief, and this is a state that's reinacting, in miniature, the Evil Party's policies of looting the cities to pay for votes in the country), and any attempt to move the military down to isolate it from non-fundamentalist influences is likely to backfire in the long run. There are plenty of intelligent people in the south, even if too many of them are being seduced by Free! Government! Money! and when the industrial states are completely wrecked, they won't pay very many taxes, and then the flow of tax money from the industrial states to the South will grind to a stop and the potemkin paradise that the Evil Party has set up will come to an abrupt stop.

And then it will be just like the USSR in the late 1980s, except that the Soviet Union was only pinned down in one land war in Asia.


Your comments reminded me of the obsevation made by the great economist John Stuart Mills: While it is true that not all conservatives are stupid people, it is also true that most stupid people are conservatives.

Eric Berger Thu Jan 12 13:15:42 2006

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