This Space for Rent

Flat tire/flat spare tire


I ran over a nail on the way up to Sauvie Island this afternoon, and discovered that not only was my first inner tube flat but my spare inner tube was also flat and that the rubber cement in my patchkit had congealed (I was able to patch one of the holes in my first inner tube, but even if I had found the second one I couldn’t have patched it because I used up all of the tarry rubber cement blob getting the first patch to stick on.) So instead of riding up to Sauvie Island I took the bus+trolley home from metropolitan Linnton. Oy.

It’s going to rain tomorrow, but I may just go up to Sauvie Island anyway because it’s been almost a week since my last nontrivial ride.


I’m sorry about the nail but that picture makes me want to print it out in a really large size and laminate it to something really heavy and go put the really heavy thing where it will be a severe tripping hazard for whoever does the bike accommodation planning for the TTC.

Graydon Sun Oct 9 17:19:20 2016