This Space for Rent

Project of the day

A mated tool roll & rando rack for the mountainhack, #3 A mated tool roll & rando rack for the mountainhack, #4 A mated tool roll & rando rack for the mountainhack, #8

I built a custom toolroll for the 9×9 rando rack I put on the Trek Mountainhack so I could put something on the unused real estate at the front of the rack. I had to modify the rack deck by putting a couple of additional slats in between the center rails and the perimeter (I angled them for visual appeal, which would have worked out better if one of them hadn’t have slipped. Oh well, it’s practice!) so I could loop a pair of toestraps under them to fasten the toolroll into place.

This arrangement has the advantage that I don’t have to root around in my rando bag to dig out tools and patchkits, I don’t have to thread a toestrap around the saddle rails (something that gets moderately difficult after 15 hours out on the line), and, of course, it uses the unused real estate that came from my reusing a small porteur rack deck (from the GT’s first rack) for this rando rack.