This Space for Rent

Top of Scott

Top of Scott

~4km, 300m elevation difference. All up, at an average grade of 7+% My plan is to keep doing this 2-3 times a week until I can do it in 20 minutes, then twice both in 20 minutes. I find that I need to plan this because after a few months of babytending, then coming down with mono, that basically all of my fitness has gone south for the winter, and the only way to get it back is to mix brevet-length rides with frequent stomps up hills.

That sub-7 200k is out there somewhere, and I’ve become resigned to the idea that I have to plan for it instead of just riding along until I’m fast enough.


Mono’s nasty stuff.

The training plan sounds good, but try not to give yourself a relapse? Mono’s supposed to take at least a couple months to get entirely over, immune-system wise, and everything I’ve seen says going right back into vigorous training after mono is a bad plan.

Graydon Fri Apr 4 19:29:08 2014

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