Here I go again
Ripplebrook, after a delay of 40 days (this fall has been pretty terrible in the bike riding department), on a cold winter afternoon after a s-l-o-w creep up the hill.
Discoveries on this ride:
- fog is really really cold when I’m out of shape enough to not be able to generate enough heat to keep the freezing cold mist away from my skin.
- pea soup fog is really fun when there’s oncoming traffic at night – headlights diffuse and make the air into an opaque milky mass. I ended up rerouting my return twice because of this fog; first I switched from Eagle Creek Road down to 224/211 so that there’d be an actual bike lane to ride in instead of hoping that oncoming traffic would see me, and then after 6 miles of absolute terror every time a car approached I rerouted the return through Boring and the Springwater Trail because they don’t have oncoming traffic like Barton Ferry Road + Springwater/Clackamas River Road have.
- Amisigger Road still sucks dead bunnies through a straw in the climbing department.
- The tubeless tires on the born-again Trek worked out without a glitch; I ran into one tube-eating pothole somewhere along the line and all that happened was the front tire burped a couple of psi and a thimbleful of sealant, which I noticed some time later when I saw a flash of white on the sidewall as I climbed up to Pipeline Road from 224.
- I think I prefer the born-again Trek to the Midlifecrisismobile. I’ll have to glue up the tubulars and see if they push the mlcm back into the primary spot.
Michael Wolfe Mon Dec 30 08:41:51 2013
No kidding! Climbing Amisigger in that fog was a little too special for my blood, though it did get me away from the river fog in the long run.
David Parsons
Mon Dec 30 11:03:25 2013
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They really can’t finish the Cazadero Trail down Deep Creek soon enough!