Getting there
The Murray Baja Experience is getting closer to being a completely functional bike. Today I put fenders on it – a pair of 45mm Velo Orange hammered aluminum fenders (which were originally on the midlifecrisismobile but didn’t fit under the stock Soma Speedster fork (the low-trail cyclocross fork and mini-V brake fix that wagon, of course, but fashions have changed since I took the fenders off)) – which I rerolled to 650b diameter for this bike. I could probably put Hetres onto the Baja and fit them under the fenders, but the Hutchinson Confrérie des 650 tires that are under it are smaller and give me more room between the fenders and the tires.
All that’s left to do are the rack (brazed up, but not mounted because I’m not sure about the mount points yet – I could braze a couple of rack mounts onto the fork, but that feels kind of like cheating) and the new wheelset + lights. And then the best will be able to use it to ride to and from school if she so desires :-)