This Space for Rent

Hazards of gardening

Purple flowers being overtaken by a morning glory infestation

A vine with lovely purple flowers is in the process of being overwhelmed by a tsunami of morning glory. And, unlike the english ivy that I finally got rid of by nuking the infestation from orbit (aka “submerging it under 3 inches of Roundup”), the horrible morning glory is tightly entwined around rose bushes, ferns, and flowering plants I actually want to keep.


The mechanism for Jerusalem artichoke removal might work; obtain quart mason jar. Obtain pierced lid for same, and a length of lampwick. Split major stem of undesired plant; thread wick through split. Place other end of wick through pierced lid into jar. Fill jar with ammonia solution.

Tends to get the roots, be specific, and not leave anything too horrid in the soil.

Graydon Mon Jun 20 14:27:47 2011

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