Huh, I didn’t realize just how much difference the stoplights made
Normally, it takes me 18-20 minutes to go between home and work (my fastest time was about 17 minutes when I was really pushing it one day and managed to make it from Market & 1st to Harrison & 1st before the light changed) but this morning, when I wasn’t really trying that hard, it took me a whopping 15 minutes to ride the ~5 miles from home to work because I managed to get a green on every single light on 17th, 12th, Madison, and 1st.
That’s almost as fast as taking the bus, and the bus shortcuts across the Ross Island bridge instead of looping north to the Hawthorne Bridge. Admittedly, the bus gives me the option of carrying my *istDS without running the risk of having it bounce out of the handlebar bag and splat itself on the pavement, and I can also read while I’m not taking pictures, but riding the bicycle helps keep my blood pressure down to to below the “blood spurting out my ears when I get irritated” level.