This Space for Rent

Bike junk for sale (#1 in a series)


I’m trying to clean out the ridiculous amount of crap in my house, and this is part of it. It’s a Sugino crankset (170mm, 110/74 bcd triple, square taper of course) that I bought on ebay for the midlifecrisismobile several months ago. I ended up not using it because I set the mlcm up as a 1x8 (and when I eventually surrender to age I’ll put a double (52/40) up front to give me the same low gear range as the Trekracycle has right now, but an even more ridiculous upper end) so it’s either going to sit at home forever or go to a better home.

No, I don’t know what model it is. I spent $30 to buy it on ebay, and it came pre-weathered for my viewing satisfaction.