This Space for Rent


Well, I’m back to using the Macbook Air, and this time without bothering to rsync my home directory back over. I’d been using the old 13" Macbook (I believe I’ve had influenza this week; Russell has been under the weather with very influenza-type symptoms, and since running the UGB 200k again last weekend I’ve been feeling steadily more achey and less motivated to do, well, anything, and the last couple of days I’ve been feeling so sleepy that I’ve taken impromptu naps instead of anything else) and not getting around to moving anything over to the other machine, and just this evening, after a dinner of Ethiopian food that can’t be beat, I was looking over Julie’s shoulder when the macbook fan started whirring, softly at first but then louder and Louder and LOUDER. I tapped the wake-up button to get its attention, and all it did was to light up the screen and continue to whirr. So I hit the Big Red Switch, then turned it back on and wandered into the kitchen to get something nutritious to drink.

The Mac was sitting there with a pre-boot white screen, and it was singing “whirrr CLUNK! whirrr CLUNK! whirr CLUNK! softly to itself. And it continued to sing that little song after a couple more power cycles.

So it’s dead now, hopefully in a way that will let me pull it back to life briefly so I can extract the copies of apache I loaded onto it so I work on a mod_markdown handler for gehenna, but in any case it’s not usable for me right now, and it’s only my natural sloth that has prevented this convenient crash from taking out a bunch of my work.


Oh No-not again!

Metta Sat Feb 13 19:25:38 2010

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