This Space for Rent

New Code!

To join the New Code! fun, Discount has been pushed up to version 1.5.7 to correct one tiny little bug that would cause a core dump.

It turns out that a document consisting of a html block with a malformed ending tag would cause bad things to happen. If someone passed discount the following code:


the first pass parser would greedily suck up all of the text into the html block, then attempt to return one line past the end of the file back to the upper level for further parsing. Weeeeeeeell, since we were past the end of the file, there was not only no next line but no pointer to the next line. And when I tried to dereference that nonexistent pointer much hilarity (in the guise of a core dump) would ensue (thanks to Matthew Kennard for reporting this defect!)

This New Code! fixes that, and if you use discount you should consider upgrading to it.