This Space for Rent

Picture of the day


The mint is starting to blossom, so I pulled out my remaining autofocus K-mount lens (a 70-300mm rebadged Sigma(?)), plugged it into the *istDS, and spent some time this afternoon waiting to see if some bees would pop on over to the corner store. They didn’t. So before I shovelled everything onto my bike for an afternoon run out to the donut shop, I demacroed the lens and took a few telephotoey pictures of miscellaneous things around the neighborhood.

(The amount of crud on the lens and sensor is getting pretty amazing – I had to spend quite a bit of time with the iPhoto touchup tool before the sky didn’t look as if an early summer dandruff storm was passing through. I’ll probably do a full clean-off this weekend, since I suspect I’ll be doing a lot of flipping between the 300mm zoom and my handful of screw-mount primes in the next month and a half.)