This Space for Rent

Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair


In 1995, this little Sparcbook 3GX would have put you back US$13,000 or so. After all, it had a 110mhz sparc processor, 64mb core, and a 1.2gb hard drive (and *cough* CDE, but let’s not discuss that in polite company, shall we?)

These days, it’s not worth quite as much. Let’s hope that someone buys it so I won’t have to pitch it into a landfill somewhere.


What, they don’t have “e-waste” recyclers where you live?

rone Wed Sep 17 08:51:50 2008

Sure, but the Sparcbook isn’t a Windows PC, so they’d tip it themselves (or drop it into a container headed for India or China for dismantling) and charge me a fee for taking it off my hands. If I put it up for auction, it leaves my hands, becomes someone else’s problem, and puts some lovely lovely play money into my pocketbook.

David Parsons Wed Sep 17 20:31:54 2008

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