This Space for Rent

Nothing says “Welcome home” like having the city condemn our front sidewalk


It’s not as if the goddamn thing doesn’t need to be replaced (I’ve been threatening to replace the sidewalk for the past year, but hahahahahahaha! I’ve not had enough time, and now I don’t have enough time or enough money!) but this is sort of the whipped cream on top of the rose beetle and okra ice cream sundae that is our (too goddamn big!) house and collapsing garage.

At least I’ve managed to pull out most of the driveway (thus destroying the resale value of the house, because you CaN’t HaVe A hOuSe WiThOut A dRiVeWaY iN tHiS mOdErN wOrLd!) so it’s not been a complete festival of helplessness while the whole pile of junk collapses around my ears. But it’s pretty damn close.

How in the name of G-d to people manage to keep big houses up? We can’t even use 1200 square feet of this house because it’s poorly insulated, and we’ve pretty much abandoned 600 more square feet because it’s not very well arranged – and I’m not even employed so I (theoretically) have time to maintain the stupid thing.

If it was up to me, I’d sell this damned house in a minute and move into someplace that’s half the size. A smaller house might actually be laid out in such a way that I could have an office somewhere other than tucked into the corner of the dining room.


I hear your pain! We had an older home with constant things to fix. Have you thought about an apt? We moved. Good luck w/sidewalk.

Metta Mon Aug 18 20:41:13 2008

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