This Space for Rent

Your Government At Work!™ picture of the day


A very dead looking Six Flags amusement park punctuates the miles of devastation on the east side of New Orleans, taken as we drove along I-10 on our way to Ocean Springs, MS. The other side of the punctuation is Roy Nagin International Airport, which, at 5:10pm on a Saturday, was approximately as busy as Portland International is at 11:30pm on a indifferent weekday in the middle of winter.

Heck of a job, Brownie. Heck of a job, George. Heck of a Job, Hillary, Barack, Nancy, Harry, and the rest of the pathetic “Opposition” in this godforsaken pit of a country. I hope the pretend G-d you all worship turns out to be real, so you can get the judgment you deserve for letting New Orleans rot while rubberstamping the ongoing butchery going on in Iraq.