This Space for Rent

The dance of the exit interview

My current soon-to-be-ex corporate masters have dropped a new twist into the whole business of the exit interview; rather than the traditional process of talking to the departing minion, they are using a multiple choice web page – a short multiple choice web page at that! – that I can fill out at my leisure.


Now that’s an interesting way of arranging a exit interview. I’m assuming it’s being driven by the same logic as chose the Gallop Q12 “employee satisfaction” survey? It doesn’t seem like it would actually be very good at figuring out why an employee is actually leaving the company, unless they have a astrologer on retainer to process the results with the assistance of the Tarot and a mass of star charts.

Ah, well, it will cease to be my problem in a little less than 4.5 days (less than 1.5 days if I have to burn off my vacation days before I retire.)