Festive colo(u)rs, trainspotter-style

Red and white are nice and traditional.

Red and orange? It's certainly festive, but it's not overly traditional.

Jingle jingle jingle go the Twinkies as they whip by in the night.
The Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation and the EPT are, once again, running the PolarHoliday Express from Oaks Park down to the vicinity of OMSI and back. Today was the first day of operation, so I zipped out of work at the dot of 8 hours worked and bolted down to the north end of the EPT so I could get some pictures of the festivities. The new new working Eng! was standing on the mainline at the north end of the private ROW/Springwater Trail, the GS4 was heading south back to Oaks Park, and the twinkies came zipping by while I was standing at 12th and Clinton waiting for the southbound #70 bus to arrive (it was not an accident that I was waiting there, because I knew that the northbound Coast Starlight was scheduled to arrive at Union Station at 5:05pm. I didn't realize just how dark it would get by 5pm, and this picture (f1.2 @ iso400) suffers by the long exposure it needed to get enough image to actually see the locomotives.)