This Space for Rent

Time to warm up the old Dolchstoßlegende!


  1. Military run ragged? Yes.
  2. Party in tatters with rats bailing out left and right? Yes.
  3. Götterdämmerung coming up in less than a year? Yup.
  4. Allies being voted out of office (Mini-Me might not notice, but it's pretty obvious that Canada -- even if it's under a nicely subservient right-wing government -- isn't even worth the time to think about when the Evil Party makes up their little lists) and replaced by neoliberals who are smart enough to see which way the wind is blowing? Why, yes, of course.

So you can see that it's fairly important that blame be passed on to someone else so the remains of the Party can rally the troops by a resounding chorus of whinewhinewhineit'snotfaaaaaair!. And it should be done in such a way that will completely surprise the Eloi crack Washington press corps the next time they emerge, blinking, from their round of dinner parties and other mutual masturbation sessions.

How fortunate for Maximum Leader Genius that Iraq has an Vidkun Quisling of its very own:

-- Iraq's leaders have asked for an enduring relationship with America, and we seek an enduring relationship with a democratic Iraq. We are ready to build that relationship in a sustainable way that protects our mutual interests, promotes regional stability, and requires fewer Coalition forces.

(Mount Doom press release, via Talking Point Memo

So, if the Evil Party is driven from office and replaced by the giant brains the control the Stupid Party, the new Stupid Party Maximum Leader will have to either (a) start a draft, (b) hire many more mercenaries, or (c) have to admit defeat and get the fuck out of Mesopotamia before the US armed forces are broken to the point where Bermuda can invade and conquer the United States.

It's a win either way. If the Stupid Party backs a draft, the US Army won't be completely crippled (at least until the point where the fragging gets to the point where the officers are the ones who go AWOL [and not just the well-connected rich cowards either],) but the Evil Party will be able to rabbit on about how *they* never had to do a draft and it simply proves the Stupid Party is incompetent; if the Stupid Party continues to hire mercenaries, it will continue the ongoing transfer of money from the US treasury to the Evil Party private armies; and if the Stupid Party admits defeat, the shrieks of the chickenhawk right-wing wurlitzer will provide the traditional background music as the right-wing sheep march -- bleating gently -- to the abattoir for the 2010 election.

Evil? Well, yes, it is, but do you think that this is likely to discourage the Evil Party?