Friday non-Dust Mite blogging

To complete my collection of superfast primes (all two of them) I bought an ancient used Pentax SMC F1.2 50mm lens, which arrived yesterday afternoon and immediately got stuffed onto my *istDS so I could get used to it. My main plan with this lens is to have something superfast that I can use to take concert photos with the next time I go to see a March Fourth! or Captain Bogg & Salty concert (I'd like to take my camera when The Best and I go to see the Mekons, but they might not approve of such a thing) but I've been taking pictures of all sorts of things to get used to a lens that doesn't have auto anything on it (not, of course, that manual focus is too much different from autofocus on the *istDS; I love my little SLR dearly, but it really sucks when it comes to focusing on things when it's not full daylight.)
When I unwrapped the lens and fastened it to the camera, Leo was sleeping on the sofaback in his traditional guard-cat role. So I had to wake him up to take a picture with the aperture cranked *wide* open just to see what it would look like.
And, yes, it's friday today. All die. Oh, the embarrassment.