Close, but not quite right

The big problem here is that it assumes a level of competency that is lacking from the Democratic congressional caucus. "Democrats Enact Horrible Policies", eh? These are not the Democrats I've grown painfully familiar with; from my 2500 mile viewpoint, it's a nonstop series of politically damaging leaks, fumbles (gee, who could have predicted that the Evil Party would filibuster *every single* Democratic bill? Apparently not the vast and well-paid army of strategists who hover around the Stupid Party like yellowjackets at a picnic) and own goals, punctuated by cries of "We meant to do that! It's our grand strategy to keep the Evil Party on the run!"
Sure, it's possible that the Stupid Party could actually be fiendish criminal masterminds that have a secret plan (to do what, exactly? To be a less-effective version of the Evil Party? Senator Clinton is honest about wanting to enshrine an Imperial presidency before she seizes the crown, but the rest of the Democratic caucus has trouble stating anything more coherent than "oooh, the scary Republicans are going to steal our babies!") in mind, but Occam's Razor applies here just as it does to the machinations of the Evil Party. The Evil Party acts evil because it is evil, and the Stupid Party acts stupid because it is stupid.
(I will admit that the Democratic Party is not as stupid as the Naderites, who proved to be sheep led by a Evil Party member in neo-progressive clothing. But that's not much of a comparison, because *topsoil* is smarter than a Naderite.)
(simplistic, but pretty, picture from Democracy In Action)