Oh great, another yellow engine (pt 3)

When I change busses at Milwaukie & Powell, I walk north to the bus stop closest to the SPYellow Menace mainline so that if something interesting comes by I'll be in a good place to see it (and maybe take pictures of it.) Today, the interesting was a pair of AC45C's (this one and 5299), which were running light down to Brooklyn Yard. I'd just received a used Sigma 28-135 lens, so I was, for the first time in months, running around with a zoomable lens, so I took full advantage of it as the train approached and went by. Most of the pictures weren't anything special, but the sun peeked out from a cloud just as the Eng!s cleared 12th, so I could zoom in and get this picture of 5533 fractionally in the shade.