Engines that are not yellow

Because it was a sunny day, we went up to Kelley Point Park this afternoon for a short hike. Aside from the obvious advantage of getting out of the house before the bears reached critical mass, going up to North Portland gave us an opportunity to see engines belonging to a railroad that was not the Yellow Menace. There was a small handful of Cascade green BN/SF power scattered around the Port of Portland (as well as a cab/slug/cab set of Relco GP389s, which were too far away to see or photograph clearly,) and when we returned via Lombard, the St. John's bridge, and US30, another handful of Cascade green and pumpkin orange power in the BN/SF yard in northwest Portland when we were returning home for dinner.

The bears are still on their anti-railroad kick, so we didn't stop and photograph anything (if we'd spotted an electric locomotive, we would have stopped, but fortunately (for the bears) north american railroads are stupid and there's only about 6 miles of freight railroad under wire north of Santiago, Chile, and none of those miles are anywhere near Portland) and I had to take my photos as the Prius whizzed by at speed. Some of the photos I took would have turned out better if not for some large dark shadows (formerly insects, now nothing but a smear of chitin and other organic compounds) that interposed themselves between the locomotives and the camera.
I have decided that the font that the BNSF uses for their locomotives is the ugliest thing in modern railroading, particularly when it's part of a BNSF patch that's applied to the side of a Cascade green unit.