Railroad picture(s) of the day

Due to various sicknesses, I didn't get the chance to get up to Seattle for the excursions that SP #4449 and Yellow Menace #844 ran this last weekend. And due to being sicker than a dog today, I didn't get the chance to run up to North Portland this afternoon to watch 4449 & 844 roll into town. But I did get the chance to convince the best to drive up there this evening to take a look (the bears, on the other hand, needed to be dragged out of the house because they've developed a bizarre dislike of railroads) at the offending eng. I brought my camera along, and (when not chasing the bears around) managed to get a couple of pictures of this ancient Alco product.

Unlike 99% of the railfans out there, I prefer to have some humans in the frame when I'm taking pictures. But I was experimenting with my circularly polarized filter, and to my intense surprise I ended up with a picture or two that was just the Eng! with no spectators wandering around. So, for a change, here's a traditional (if very closely cropped thanks to a 50mm prime lense) 3/4ths view of a steam locomotive.