Railroad picture of the day

This weekend, when every other trainspotter in the Pacific Northwest was up in Seattle taking pictures of the Yellow Menace #844, the best, the bears and I stayed in town because Silas was feeling sickly. On sunday, he was feeling unsickly enough so that we could go up to the Zoo for some lego show (a plan that turned out to be a really bad idea, because the skies opened up as soon as we went out the door, and it drizzled nastily until the minute when we returned home. As a result, both Silas and I were sick today.) We got to the Zoo fairly late in the afternoon, and as we were walking down into the main part of the zoo I looked down to the railroad tracks and saw the Zooliner trudging wearily towards us.
It's not a big old steam engine, or even a little new steam engine, but it is a locomotive, so I had to take a picture of it as it scooted under the bridge we were standing on.