Railroad picture of the day

An Amtrak F69 whizzes by the Eastmoreland Golf Course's clubhouse at around 11:30am this morning. We'd gone over there to have brunch, and I was waiting outside as the cars unloaded because there was a container train waiting on the far track. It had started to move, so I had the Pentax out and was not caught completely unawares when an ex-F40PH cab car popped out from under the Bybee bridge. The Pentax, on the other hand, was caught unawares, so I didn't actually get any pictures of the F40 because the poor camera was set to autofocus and it couldn't get a good frame on a fast-moving diesel in the rain. The back of the train was far enough away from the front so I could turn the thing to manual focus before the pusher popped into view.
The Prius to the left of the engine is our prius. The one to the right is just randomly sitting there because this is Portland, where everybody and their brother has one.