After several cloudy to really cloudy weekends, the forecast for this afternoon was that it would gradually clear up. Since ex-SP&S #700 was supposed to be running some excursions today, I decided I'd walk down towards Oaks Bottom to see if I could get some pictures. As I walked down towards Oaks Bottom, the clouds pulled back, the sun came out, and it would have been perfect trainspotting weather, except for one teeny little problem...

Note the smoke from the 700 is going directly up into the air, as if it was just sitting there. Well, yes, it was just sitting there, because it derailed on the very first run of the day.
It's possible that the 700 is a little bit too heavy for this track. This is the second year in a row where the 700 has ended up on the ground during the winter Portland Traction excursions.